What is it for?
An activity that enables a group to share and rank group- generated, or pre-prepared, information.
Time & People
15 – 50 people
Ideal: around 30
Pen/pencil per person
Bell/chime to signal rounds
And also...
If you have a smaller group (say 15 people), you can reduce the number of rounds to three.
If there’s an uneven number of people, you will have one group of three: instruct them to score the three cards out of 10 (ie, the scores for the three cards have to add up to 10).
Ultimately, the scores don’t matter. The scoring is a mechanic that encourages people to engage more fully with the information on the cards.

There are two main ways of using this activity: one is to have pre- prepared cards with information on them that you want the participants to consider; the other is to ask participants to write their own comments/ideas/reflections/insights on a card.
You will need a supply of small cards, one for each person. Each person will need a pen or pencil, there needs to be space for people to freely move around, and a bell or whistle or music to indicate when to swap the cards and when to stop.
• Introduce the topic to be explored
• Either hand out the pre-prepared cards, or invite participants to select a key insight/comment/question and write it on one side of a small index card
• Explain the voting procedure – in pairs they will be giving each of the two cards a score out of 7 (no halves allowed, 7 = highest score)
• Everybody stands – they each have their card and a pen
• Ask people to start swapping their card with others
(keep this happening at a fast pace, calling out Swap! Swap! Swap! Avoid people trying to read as they swap)
• After 30 seconds or so ring the bells and form random pairs. Vary the time for swapping with each round.
• Compare the statements on the two cards and allocate points out of 7. Write the score on the back of the card.
• Start swapping again and continue until 5 rounds have been completed.
• Ask participants to add up the scores on the back of the card they have in the final round. The maximum score is 35.
• Hear what’s written on the cards from the highest score to the lowest.