Bolivian Hypnotist
What is it for?
Time & People
And also...

This is a good warm-up activity when exploring topics ‘in action’ or if you are going to do further improvisation activities. It is done in pairs, is short, and very safe for participants.
Invite people to pair up and to select who will be A and who will be B.
Demonstrate the activity. Hold your hand about 15cm from the face of your partner. Their job is to remain 15cm from your palm, no matter where you take them
Allow person A to lead their partner for about one minutes, then swap roles.
Ask pairs to pair up with another pair, forming groups of four, and ask them to debrief the activity for a couple of minutes with a general question like, “What was this activity about?”
You can explore the leader/follower dynamic, and also, how much each person cared for their partner, raising the improve principle of ‘make your partner look good’