Bunny, Bunny
What is it for?
Time & People
10 – 20 minutes 6 – 20 people
For larger numbers, break into smaller groups to play
Improv theatre game
And also...
• Encourage sound and action
• Keep the game moving
• If people are having
trouble with the game, do the game in slow motion, and then gradually increase the speed
• This is a good game to do after a break when people are coming back in to the room at different times

Stand in a circle
Introduce the rhythm of the game, where everyone chants ooh-ah, ooh-ah while bobbing up and down
Player 1 uses two fingers to point at their own eyes while saying bunny bunny, then uses the same two fingers to point at someone else in the circle, saying bunny bunny
Player 2, repeats the bunny bunny words and action
The players either side of Player 2, turn to face the player between them and at the same time as Player 2 is saying bunny bunny, bunny bunny, they are saying tikka tikka, tikka tikka, while making a thrusting motion with their arms
Gradually speed up and increase the volume until the game comes to its natural conclusion