Photo Booth

What is it for?

A way of capturing people’s photos and a statement that they have written in response to a question. Useful as introductory activity that helps provide a wall of profiles of participants

Time & People

Any number


Coloured A4 paper

Marker pens

Digital camera and tripod
(optional) plus someone to take the photos


Gathering 11, Melbourne, 2011

And also...

You can allow a dedicated time for this, or have the Photo Booth open throughout an event


Pose a provocative question that is, usually, but doesn’t have to be, future focused

For example: Imagine it is 10 years from now. What did we do in 2017 to ensure the success of…?

Invite people to write their response on an A4 sheet of paper (landscape) and to then have their photo taken holding their response

If possible, the photos can be printed and posted on the wall during the event

Can also create a set with all of the photos for sharing beyond the event, or a mosaic of the photos can be used as the cover of a report.