Popcorn Powerpoint
What is it for?
An interactive way of presenting information about a topic to a group (using a slideshow) that encourages storytelling and spontaneity from the presenter.
Time & People
Any numbe
And also...

Prepare 50 slides. Each slide should represent a specific, single message about the topic and be designed using bold images, colours and minimal text. Number each of the slides.
Tell the audience that you have 50 slides on the topic, but they will decide which slides you will talk to – and they will only choose five of the 50 slides.
Ask for a random number between 1 and 50. Go to that slide and talk about it. Then ask for another number.
Can also ask the audience to comment on the slides, or to tell their own stories about the slide.
If it is a small group (less than 12 people) all from the same industry/work area, you can create the slides as a way for each person to talk about themselves and their work.
Without telling them what it is for, hand out a small index card or post-it note and ask each person to write down a number between 1 and 50, as well as their name on the card. Randomly choose a card, go to the numbered slide and ask that person to use the slide to inspire them to tell the rest of the group something about themselves and/or their work, or the topic under discussion.