True for You
What is it for?
A simple feedback process which involves movement and spontaneity.
Time & People
10-15 minutes
Just the chairs!
And also...
We often include this as part of a closing. We do a few minutes in this format before a slower more reflective process like Closing Circle.

A circle game based on musical chairs where one person is always in the centre.
Arrange the group in a circle of chairs, with one less chair than people (usually you the facilitator at the start) is chairless.
That person stands in the centre of the circle. They have to say something that is true for them, beginning the phrase, “what’s true for me is…”
The statement can be obvious, subtle, light-hearted or profound, it’s up to the speaker. Examples include…
What’s true for me is I am wearing shoes
What’s true for me is I feel really excited by what we’ve discussed
What’s true for me is, I’m wondering what happens next
Now, everyone else for whom the statement is also true, needs to move to another chair, leaving a different person in the centre (unless the first player is rather slow!). This can be quite energetic – you may need to remind people to take care of each as they move about.
The new speaker takes their turn. Rinse and repeat.