Rip it Up
What is it for?
An activity to enable people to engage with a large amount of information in a document without having to read the whole thing
Time & People
Any number of people from about 10 up

Have one copy of the document you want to review (preferably single sided, photocopied)
Tear up the spine and spread the pages out on the floor or other surface. Ask each participant to pick one page.
Give them time to read that page and idea one thing that is really interesting/important to share
Standing in an open space, encourage people to mingle randomly and when the bell rings to pair up and share the key messages
Ring the bell and continue mingling
Ring the bell again and pair up with someone different Continue as long as you like
How did this activity work?
What have you learned about the content of this document?
How is gaining information this way different from reading the document from cover to cover?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?