What is it for?
A game that involves throwing an imaginary ball that helps people learn each other’s names.
Time & People
5 – 50 people
Ideal: around 20
Applied Improv Game
And also...
Can add a second or third ‘ball’ – this greatly increases the need to pay attention and the game will eventually break down, usually amongst much laughter

Stand in a circle, and introduce the activity
Go around the circle and have everyone say their
preferred name
Demonstrate throwing an imaginary ball to someone else in the circle, as you throw to that person, call their name
When they ‘catch’ the ball, they also say their own name
Then they throw it to another person in the circle, calling that person’s name
Stop after a while and ask what makes it easy or hard to do
Could also ask if people are making up imaginary rules (hint: there are no rules except those described above)
Resume playing