reflections on our work

Curiosity, and the power of the hungry mind
Harnessing the power of “the hungry mind” so that participants lead their own learning – a key consideration for facilitators.

Figuring it out for ourselves
Why facilitation, like teaching, is not a process where you can simply follow best practice.

The lucozade of learning
A short video shows the joys of shared discovery, and we reflect on how we need to bring more of this spirit to how we learn together.

Discoveries about online learning
Some great insights about working online, from our friend Kath Murdoch

The limits of vision, and the power of holding
The pandemic has pulled the rug from under many of us. Structures and routines that we relied upon to shape our work have changed or

Collaborating with the enemy
Embracing the difficulties of working with challenging people and problems Adam Kahane challenges conventional thinking in his book, Collaborating with the Enemy. He suggests a form of

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
Smooth is Fast is an elegant and concise article by Alan Cooper. You probably hear a lot about Agile processes. The word itself seems to imply that it’s

Identity, connection, action
Antony Williams, one of Viv’s mentors, suggests there are three things people want from meetings: identity, connection and action. Identity: we want our own identify

Why frustration may be really good for learning
We’ve been enjoying David Epstein’s new book, Range. In the chapter, Thinking Fast and Slow, he explores how training often works best when people are